Many companies that use Google Analytics to learn more about visitors to their websites worry about privacy issues. We looked at some useful alternatives.
Monitoring must be able to provide information about applications and their performance. We show you how to create a database monitoring solution using the openITCOCKPIT open source tool.
Locally hosted collaboration servers are an alternative to letting employees swap files in a public cloud. We show you how to set up an ownCloud 9 environment on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.
The management of DNS entries works fundamentally differently for clouds than for classic setups; OpenStack Designate is a meaningful and well-functioning DNS as a Service implementation.
Software-defined storage promises centrally managed, heterogeneous storage with built-in redundancy. We examine how complicated it is to set up the necessary distributed filesystems. A benchmark shows which operations each system is best at tackling.
PowerCLI in the current version 6 R3 supports access to nearly all VMware data center and cloud products with around 500 cmdlets, including numerous additional features, APIs, and interfaces. In this article, we show you the most important innovations.
Network virtualization takes very different approaches at the software and hardware levels to divide or group network resources into logical units independent of the physical layer. It is typically a matter of implementing secure strategies. We show the technical underpinnings of VLANs.
As IT infrastructure grows more complex, IT asset management tools become essential. They track an IT asset's life cycle from the purchase order, through practical usage, to disposal or reuse. One promising newcomer is Ralph, the open source specialist tool.
One of the biggest hurdles for prospective Linux administrators is a lack of standards for configuring systems based on different Linux distributions. The Open Linux Management Infrastructure – OpenLMI – is looking to establish and define a standard approach to configuring such systems.
Optimization, rationalization, and cost reduction are just as much a part of the IT administrator's everyday life as reliability and security issues. Opsi simplifies automated software installation in large computer networks.
Passwords should be safe, but easy to remember – a contradiction that can be difficult to resolve. One remedy is a password manager that stores all passwords centrally. The open source tip this month shows a different approach: FreeIPA.
In the early days of hacking, phreaking was used to make free long distance calls. Today, phreaking continues with more professional and better organized attacks. Here's how to protect yourself.